Pattern completeness Sketchy
PATTERN Category
summary Use speficic time of evaluation to assess progress and remain on track.
Argumentation When navigating in a complex environment it is essential to take refelxive times (CONTINOUS REFLECTION PROCESS) to ensure we are still on track and adjust the strategy when necessary. Use RETROSPECTIVES format to assess what went well and what needs to be adjusted.
  • Gray, D., Brown, S., Macanufo, J. (2010). Gamestorming, A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers, and Changemakers.
  • Ricaud, L. and Lacayrouze, M. 2018 Faire Ensemble, 60 cartes pour réinventer vos réunions. Card deck. https://www.metacartes.cc/faire-ensemble/recettes/
Linked patterns (Larger or smaller patterns) PROCESS OF CONTINUOUS REFLECTION, RETROSPECTIVES