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summary Take dedicated time to build mutual understanding and a common language for the questions you want to answer.
Argumentation Oberlack et al 2019 "ToCs help to shape the interfaces between disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary activities.
ToCs can support joint transdisciplinary programming by engaging project stakeholders in an in-depth discussion of project activities, pathways to impacts, assumptions about change, KNOWLEDGE GAPS, and expected outcomes. ToCs may provide a shared object for debates between scientific and societal actors, helping them build a joint, cumulative understanding of how and why particular activities did or did not produce particular changes. Nevertheless, ToC processes alone are seldom sufficient to overcome underlying epistemological differences between stakeholders from different disciplines.
In some of the reviewed cases, targeted workshops were necessary to address and jointly define the conceptual foundation of a given transdisciplinary endeavour."
References source : Oberlack et al 2019